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Death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years: Who is guilty? #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik


By Yanick Toutain 
September 4 ,2,015

The whole world is shocked.Not by the death yesterday of 8,000 African babies. They will die a long time every day in the general indifference of the whole media world.
They will be even 2.7 million at the end of 2015.
2.7 million African babies died this year 2015 yet.
And almost as many in Asia.
Although the progress of Asian dictatorships are eight times larger than those of Franceàfric dictatorships.

The World Bank wrote one year ago:

New estimates in Levels and Trends in Child Mortality 2014 show that in 2013, 6.3 million children under five died from mostly preventable causes, around 200,000 fewer than in 2012, but still equal to nearly 17,000 child deaths each day."
No French media never published the total of 100 million: the number of dead African children for 25 years.
The total of dead children in Africa reached 100 million people in 25 years ..... but this truth,  Eric Laurent & Catherine Graciet's colleagues do not see ... ... or they receive envelopes from Bolloré and the bankoslavoisie to convince them to stay blind on this truth
So the army of scoundrels Sarkozy and Hollande continues to support African dictatorships for the profits of Bolloré.
With support from the UN terrorist and thug judges - Franceàfric liars and forgers obviously.

Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?

 If he crossed in a boat from 5 meters to go from Turkey to Greece, on the island of Kos, it is because his family fled Kobanî. A city that Obama and Hollande let their puppets DAECH take.
A town in northern Syria the Assad dictatorship. A city that the Marxist-Leninist YPG militia managed to free.
Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?


If Aylan Kurdi died it was because of bad weather.
Tuesday night, "the weather is bad, the wind gets up and the waves submerge the boat soon"
The father of the dead boy told "We had life jackets, but the boat capsized suddenly because people stood up. My children have slipped out of my hands. It was dark, everyone cried. I tried to swim to shore, through the lights. I went to the hospital, this is where I learned the bad news. "
(Le Parisien)

Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?


Aylan's father and brother 5 years Ghaled wanted to take his family to Vancouver, where resides an aunt.
But then, the Canadian terrorist state had already refused to grant a visa to his brother.
Teema Kurdi, sister of Abdullah, the father of the two drowned children -Aylan and Ghaled-, acknowledged earlier in a statement to television as host application was refused by Canada for his other brother, Mohammed, and his family . (20 minutes)

These racist Canada know pollute the planet as ecological criminals, they know make Islamofascists terrorists - as they manufactured manipulators terrorists infiltrated among Quebec separatists.
Youssef Mouammar alias Joseph Gilles Breault had reissued the exploits terrorists infiltrated Canadian rogue state.


But when it is necessary to showing the minimum of solidarity with refugees victims of Bush-Obama terrorist plan that the Canadian government is an accomplice, there is only selfishness and indifference ... no one there !.
Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?
Obviously the Canadian government and the Canadian state.
But we must go back upstream to clarify the chain of responsibility.
Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years


Aylan could have died of a shot from one of Assad's snipers.
This child is, in fact, born in 2012, a year after the beginning of the Syrian revolution.
For if people have forgotten, we must remember that for over a year and a half, they are popular events of the Syrian people who attempted to overthrow the comprador  formoise Baathist degenerate dictatorship of Bashar Al-Assad. A dictatorship in which the goodwill was anti-Semitism and an alleged struggle against Zionism.

It is enough to read the childhood of the comic strip writer Riad Sattouf (in its book fascinating "The Arab of future ") to understand the anti-semitic brainwashing(cramming) cross-posted(poured) by the dictatorship Assad in the brain of the children.
A dictatorship (who), leaning on the anti-imperialist feelings of the peoples of the region, diverted  these peoples of a revolutionary anticapitalist fight(wrestling) to focus on one claimed unique responsibility of Israel.
A dictatorship from father to son which 
was compromising with imperialist strengths to have the minimum of international support so that the formoises compradores bureaucracies local have their privileges.

Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?

The same culprits as those who killed Omar Aziz!

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The media have forgotten Omar Aziz, the partisan Rosa Luxemburg, who died in the jails Assad February 16, 2013.

Death in custody of Omar Aziz, father of local committees of the Syrian revolution

The Monde.fr | Christophe 

A revolutionary anti-capitalist should have been a Che Guevara at the head of Syria in 2015. An anti-capitalist Thomas Sankara liberating at the head of the popular committees who were about to take power in Syria.
If Omar Aziz had lived, his family would never have had the idea of ​​leaving Kobanî.
Marxist-Leninists of YPG parties involved would have obviously been a government revocable delegates at the head of Syria.


Omar Aziz: "Rest in victory" (French translation Budour Hassan's text)

Omar Aziz said: 
"We did better than workers 
of the Paris Commune. 
They resisted for 70 days 
and we, we hold for a year and a half "(Budour Hassan)

A government of national delegates - each controlled by 400,000 people of Syria.
We even saw the leader Ocalan Turkish-Kurdish evolve its program towards this goal of humanocratie.
Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?


But this project was intolerable to Obama, Sarkozy, the CIA, the DGSE secret service and all the imperialist powers slavery.

These rotten therefore asked their puppets Islamofascists Qatar and Saudi Arabia to fund terrorists .... bearing in defense of the Syrian revolution.
This scenario of transforming a peaceful revolution in armed confrontation was exactly what the Assad dictatorship needed.
The appearance of DAECH confirmed my prognosis. ++++ REVACTUhttp://revolisationactu.blogspot.fr/2015/02/les-islamofascistes-is-menacent-le.html
DAECH islamofasciste they are a militia to protect banks. Criminal psychopaths to protect Riba. Ignorant assassins who have been trained to believe in a pseudo-religion authorizing banks ....
Vincent Desportes, a French general accuses the US of being the creators of this monster: "What is the Dr. Frankenstein who created this monster? Affirm it clearly because it has consequences: it is the United States. For short-term political interest, other actors - some appear as friends of the West - to other actors so out of kindness or deliberate, contributed to this construction and reinforcement. But the primary responsibility are the United States "(realized Senate) +++
You read: KNOW the French senators that DAECH is a US creation ...
But lets Holland persecuting Ahmed 8 years or philosophy professor Jean-François Chazerans !!!

Peaceful demonstrators fighting against arbitrary power would become "Islamic terrorists".
We see this process - the basis - in the comic scripted by Jean-Pierre Filiu The Lady of Damascus (drawing Cyrille Pomès)
If we may regret the absence of the history of revolutionary luxembourgistes, it nevertheless sees the processes underlying

Excerpts from "The Lady of Damascus," the Syrian revolution in BD

Similarly we see the bourgeois press organization promoting a "singer" calling for "crucify" the laïcards, the same way we see the media promoting a terrorist Football Club - showcase legal a rogue state, cutters hands and heads, we see how Obama and Hollande organize rotting of all revolutionary processes.
The Algerian recipe - which caused 100,000 deaths - was -re-used in Palestine: the financing of FIS-GIA by the Algerian secret service to the financing of Hamas by the secret service Shin Beth Israel of Zionists, we have seen how slave-owning bourgeoisie had understood that the infiltration of the revolutionary process tainted by psychopaths was the best way to perpetuate its barbaric reign.
The Nazi state - whose financial first was anti-Semitic capitalist Henry Ford - was joined by Islamofascists militias of Al Husseini. A Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who had put in that position by the British.Britons who at the same time Balfour began their propaganda to the establishment of a "Jewish State".


Who is guilty of the death of Aylan Kurdi 3 years?
The slave bourgeoisie is behind all the culprits behind the terrorist ecological Criminal Canadian state behind Obama, behind Holland, behind Assad behind DAECH behind Erdogan.
The slave bourgeoisie rots the planet and there are thousands of children dying every day. Thousands of Aylan

by Yanick Toutain

This is the year that the total of 100 million dead children will probably crossed in Africa. 
A tragic accounts which however began 25 years ago. 
It is seen in the picture the terrible accumulation of many of these dead children. Figures in bold are the recent data from a UNICEF report

Levels & Trends in Child Mortality Report 2010 Estimates Developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation

It is with this data that this table was constructed 

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