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France: "The Minister of Defence is the Minister of Africa"​​The shocking confession of the bipartisan parliamentary report Philippe Baumel (PS) and Jean-Claude Guibal (UMP)


Google Translation France: "The Minister of Defence is the Minister of Africa"​​The shocking confession of the bipartisan parliamentary report Philippe Baumel (PS) and Jean-Claude Guibal (UMP)

by Yanick Toutain
Google Translation

The Franceàfric thinks, since the criminal attack it organized December 16, 2010 in Abidjan, returned to "Good colonial times."
In a written parliamentary report - in a "bipartisan spirit" as they say in the White House - PSUMP by two deputies, the admission is in black and white:
"The Minister of Defence Minister of Africa"
But the heirs of Harriet Beecher Stowe, for anti-slavery abolitionists, for #SMICenAfrique activists this confession is that the public expression of what happens a caricature for 4 years. This admission is only a summary of what is happening in Africa, since the overthrow of President Gbagbo in Ivory Coast by secretly funded terrorists by the United Nations and Mali by sending in January 2012 narco terrorists -djihadistes MNLA and Ansar Eddine funded by Qatar, Switzerland and supported by the DGSE and the European Union.

"The Minister of Defence Minister of Africa"

10 Ivorian loyalist murder police blew joy clique of murderers Franceàfric PSUMP. 
The current president François Hollande and his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy had thought possible to realize their coup against President Gbagbo, elected in November 2010 in two days .... 16 and 17 December 2010. 
But their coup finally lasted nearly four months: And the military and police-French Licorne UNOCI who were behind the scenes in December found themselves on the front line against loyalist forces defending their president. 
No wonder that it's "Minister of Defense" French that is presented as the "Minister of Africa"​​in the parliamentary pre-report. According to the revelations of the Chained Duck other passages are even more accurate
"For many heads of West African State, the defense minister has become number 1 French partner, the more easily that safety is the priority."

Soro, IB, Dozo, MNLA ANSAR Eddine, 
IYAD Ghali AG are puppets of Franceàfric!

We see which way the Chained Duck faking reality. It is dishonest to present the role of Le Drian or its predecessors in that position as a consequence. when they are the cause of insecurity (7 May 2002 - 15 May 2007 Michele Alliot-Marie supports terrorists Dozo IB and all the spooks Ouattara, she attempts a coup in Ivory Coast in November 2004 to overthrow President Gbagbo and kills peaceful protesters gathered outside the Hotel Ivoire.   May 18, 2007 - November 13, 2010: Hervé Morin who betrays his word to the Chadian opposition and leaves Ukrainian mercenaries fire on the people to Ndjamena   14 November 2010 - 27 February 2011, Alain Juppe faking the Ivorian elections and launching terrorist attack RTI in Abidjan   February 27, 2011 - May 16, 2012, Gerard Longuet launches the criminal attack against the presidential residence of President Ggagbo who murdered Muammar Gaddafi for his corrupt master Sarkozy and organizes the attack of Mali with the MNLA-Ansardine terrorists in January 2012 )
Reverse causality is a trick!
This is exactly the opposite.

France: "THE MINISTER OF DEFENSE MINISTER IS AFRICA" The shocking confession of the parliamentary report by Philippe Baumel (PS) and Jean-Claude Guibal (UMP) A revelation of Chained Duck April 22, 2015. Image Revactu

This is no signature appears today April 22 article detonating the Chained Duck:

Chained Duck: A Report on Africa flunked the Assembly

MP memory, "the situation is completely new."Several officers of the Assembly, "is the never-seen" April 15 in the morning, in closed session of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Room 4223, its president PS, Elisabeth Guigou, a retoqué a report that not like. A document of over 200 pages devoted to relations between France and francophone Africa, co-authored by Philip Baumel (PS) and Jean-Claude Guibal (UMP). Ordinarily, any report submitted commission is debated, amended and voted on finally and made ​​public.This time, Elisabeth Guigou deferred its consideration to 6 May and asked the authors to review their copy.

It will be noted imagine an African Parliament held a debate of such a report concerning France would appear totally absurd. The African imperialist master-slave relationship is so ingrained in the colonial unconscious that it does not even shock.
"" This is the good will of the Queen Mother, mocks a young Socialist deputy. She does not want to appear as guarantor of criticism of the executive or compromising its eventual entry into the Q uai d'Orsay. "Laurent Fabius has warned ..."
We learn here that the current Minister Fabius would be on shaky ground. 
It is therefore an in plots of the Trilateral Commission which would be expected as the future Foreign Minister in France by the plotters.
Elisabeth Guigou, Member of the French National Assembly and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee; forming Minister for European Affairs, Paris ( 2014 full list here )
I recalled in 2009 , the participation of Raymond Barre had revealed this secret organization, there has long been in Charles Levison Vodka Cola,
"What I just read pp. 206 and 207 ofCircus Politicus (Christophe Deloire and Christophe Dubois, Albin Michel ed., Paris 2012) is extremely unpleasant and disturbing. In short, Elisabeth Guigou is an active member of the influential and Trilateral secret. In November 2008, she participated in a session of this organization, and chaired one of its meetings with the title "Saving Europe from the tyranny of referendums"! " ( Holland, Guigou and the Trilateral    | BY   YAN VRIEGERS )
This is the same organization plotters who would rise to the application of Defferre in 1965. The famous " Mr. X "that aimed to merge the left and the center would have been the work of the Trilateral

Duck would have to remember it all! 
It is therefore a comploteuse the Trilateral will therefore attempt to conceal truths about Franceàfric!

After a year of work, multiple hearings and a trip to Paris, the authors of the pre-report - which has no title yet - conclude that "France [is] now frowned upon in Africa" ​​and that " African politics in our country yet to be invented. "
It's the least we can say!
If more than 90% of Africans (found on Facebook) applauded the arrival of Serval in Mali - without understanding that the plotters who had financed MNLA and Ansar Eddine returned install their puppets again .... they are now more than 80% criticizing France and much of them to consider that the WHOLE of terrorist organizations - Boko Haram in MNLA through militia Soro to power in Ivory Coast to Ansar Dine, Iyad Ag Ghaly and Wadoussène are all puppets puppets ,, DGSE and they do nothing without the orders of their masters ...
They regret that it is limited to "emergency response, military interventions." Moreover, "for many heads of West African state,find the two deputies, the defense minister has become number 1 French partner, the more easily that safety is the priority of the sub-region. " In other words, "the Minister of Defence Minister of Africa."
This revelation, present in a parliamentary report is simply a simple confession reality: 80% of Bolloré's profits come from Africa.
He and the other bourgeois slave wages divided by 20.
Therefore dictatorships to perpetuate that.
So be terrorists to manufacture the pretext of war against the 4th Africa: the return of the French soldiers in mass.
The doubling in 3 years the number of imperialist troops from France.
"After the disappearance of the Ministry of Cooperation, the Foreign Ministry has desert é? 

Fabius deserter?

Baumel and Guibal believe that "emergency responses to Mali and Central African crises have strengthened the very close relationship between the President of the Republic to Jean-Yves Le Drian and played heavily into the part that the Department of Defense has taken in the management of African affairs. " 
All this for a report more than mixed, the authors report. First salvo:"These successive military interventions do not bring lasting calm, much less definitive peace. '"

Here are the two parliamentary shown great duplicity .... if it is not the naive stupidity.
Instability is the result of a will!
Sarkozy wanted to destabilize Libya and Mali in stride.
This was to overthrow Gaddafi and protect Compaoré ....
The instability in northern Mali at the moment, it is the UN MINUSMA and the DGSE who cleverly organized.
When the terrorist assassin Wadoussène receives United Nations envoys not to negotiate the wallpaper of the prison where he should be for murder of Philippe Verdon and Serge Lazarevic sequestration! 

"We do not criticize the action of France abroad" Elizabeth Guigou

Second burst: "This situation is not sustainable sustainable, both in political and military terms, both in terms of budgetary image of our country."
This barrage fed against the executive has infuriated Elisabeth Guigou.
"We do not criticize the action of France abroad, she says. The do is take the risk of weakening us."
The arrogance of the servant of bankocracy US is limitless!
His dream? The victory of the dictatorship under #HollandeCoupdEtat!
The abolition of all the social laws in France and in Africa! 


Ditto when slams "our traditional partners." Starting with Paul Biya, President of Cameroon The two rapporteurs do not hesitate, speaking of "an illegitimate regime, which faces regular explosions but wishes nevertheless and re-produced. This plan was born of repression and has always maintained a strong intelligence apparatus, special forces, including the Presidential Guard. "Guigou spend your next holiday in Yaounde?

Cameroonians are warned: the mafia Franceàfric Elysee has not yet decided to expel the tyrant of Cameroon!
The pseudo-opponents fools who advocated the rallying on behalf of the fight against Boko Haram have NOTHING including: terrorists are there to HELP dictatorships to remain in place.
ATT and Blaise Compaore should benefit from the presence of MNLA and Ansar Eddine, Idriss Deby must be maintained by Boko Haram.Like Paul Biya.

Someone should have the courage to publish the report in full for that one knows how lucidity and persistent lie arrived two deputies.
But in any case, they do not advocate respect human rights and to force French employers to pay the minimum wage in Africa.
A little lucid Philippe Baumel (PS) and Jean-Claude Guibal (UMP), but not to the point of advocating the end of slavery in Africa, not enough to stop the division by 20 of the wages paid by French employers.

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