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Dark matter is an elucubration "darker" than nothing (Isaac Newton VS Zwicky, Rubin and co)

presentation Yanick Toutain

28th march 2015

David Harvey believe in dark matter but Dark matter is a elucubration "darker" than nothing!

"We know how gas and stars react to these cosmic crashes and where they emerge from the wreckage," lead author David Harvey of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland said in a statement . "Comparing how dark matter behaves can help us to narrow down what it actually is."
Washington Post puts the spotlight on nothingness and people believing in fantasies 

Dark matter is apparently ‘darker’ than we thought

I gave the answers before

MARDI 27 MARS 2012


It was sufficient to use the basic equations of Isaac Newton (X GM / R ^ 3 and Y GM / R ^ 3) to obtain the values ​​of tangential and centripetal accelerations experienced by a galaxy of stars. Set colors, it was evident that the stars of the periphery had higher speeds (V² = acceleration x radius).
Dark matter was a chimera useless : the concepts of "NEUTRAL ZONE" and "BAND EFFECT BAND" were enough to understand why the central stars of galaxies do not react like the central planets of the solar system. .... For a simple reason: They are attracted on all sides when Mercury is drawn to one side.
So these are the stars located in the periphery, attracted only one side, they undergo centripetal acceleration the greatest.
It was enough to return to Newton !


Isaac Newton VS 
Fritz Zwicky -Vera Rubin

(no dark matter)

2012 04 30

first video test

by Yanick Toutain
The following animation 
has been realized with
the monochromic 
photography of a galaxy.
The source of the colored image
is Wikipedia's propandist entry
in favor of the swindle 
of dark matter
It's sufficient to use 
Newton's basis equations
GM X / R^3 et GM Y / R^3 
to obtain 
the gravitational deviation
received by each star 
from the totality of 
the others stars of the galaxy.

Then, the equality 
speed = SQR (acceleration * radius) 
enabled to give a good evaluation
of the revolution speed of 
all the stars (high speeds symbolized
in red then yellow , 
middle speeds in green, 
small in blue then violet)
It's easy to see that the 
most red zones - quickest - 
are in the periphery

And the most mauve, 
the lowest, in the center.
No mystery : The (neoNewtonian) 
concepts of "neutral zone", 
of ""band effect" almost 
allowed to easily understand 
why the central stars
were decelerated. We even could 
begin to understand - I did in that 
30th of march - the accentuation
of the spiral arms.
It was sufficient to consider that the 
calculated speeds were constants
to be able to obtain a first 
approximation of the trajectory 
of all the stars.
(being agreed that each movement 
of each star modified the received 
gravitation and, then, 
the speed of each star.)

We are going 
to begin
by going back
in the past.

The calculated revolution 
speeds will allow us 
to make the galaxy 
going round clockwise.
We see the spiral arms 
“destroying” themselves .... 
or rather .... the stage 
preceding their FORMATION...
At this stage, we can suppose
that the elliptic galaxies 
are the "mothers" 
of the spiral galaxies. 

…. we go back in the 
chronological direction...
On these images, it is visible
that the slowest stars (in mauve) 
and the faster stars 
(in yellow and in red ) 
are dividing ….
...and it's this division 
that contribute to form 
the spiral arms.
Here, we see that the great
speed of the most “gravitated” 
stars make the spiral arms
roll themselves up.
Then we can suppose that this
– more and more marked - 
rolling of the spiral arms....
.... will destroy them 

(by the disappearance of
the empty zones and the
end of the “band effect” 
which accelerated some stars)
...and, therefore, suppose that 
these spiral galaxies will 
RE-transform themselves 
in ordinaries elliptic galaxies....
The forms
– therefore - would be
of the same galaxies...
Only some particular forms
("Hoag's_object" by example)
would have a 
highest stability ….
… and, then, not to know
this cyclical transformation 
elliptic form 
spiral form
elliptic form......
After the concepts of 
“neutral zone” , 
“band effect” …. the author,
simultaneously to some 
drafts of animated images...
… like this 
"Hoag's object" .....
... the author has returned to 
the data of Stacy McGauch
to confront them (without any 
fundamental result for now) 
to his “true equation of the 
helio-planetary gravitation “.....
... Another fundamental 
result has been found... 
but it concerns the absolute
moving (in the Newtonian
meaning of the term... 
i.e. “objective” )...
Indeed, Monday April 9th 
in the morning (at 4:...am ..) , 
I have succeeded, at last, 
to make run without any bug 
the program (in freeware 
Qbasic language 2006) 
I worked on since several 
tenth hours...
Therefore, I have been able 
to establish that the translation
of the Galaxy at a speed near
of this of the Aïn Al Rami 
hypothesis would have measurable 
effects on the revolution speeds...
Galaxy's translation= c/8t
Galaxy's translation= c/16
Galaxy's translation= c/32
Galaxy's translation= c/64
The visible dissymmetry on the four
successive images C/8 C/16 C/32 and C/64
shows that the absolute translation of the
galaxy has for consequence to REDUCE 
the revolution speeds of the stars located 
BEFORE and to INCREASE these 
revolution speeds for the stars located 
BEHIND. The explanation of this is always 
the escape of the receiver from the signal 
or its projection in its direction...
We can even compare the effects of an (absurd) zero speed …..
…. to those of a speed near of the 5011 km/s 
of the Aïn Al Rami hypothesis …. look at the 
blue and mauve zones which has slipped onto the right ….
This dissymmetry can (strongly
possibly) be the first cause of the
formation of the bands (some empty 
zones between the agglomerations 
of stars) and then ... the first cause
of the formation ….of the spirals
.....inside all the elliptic galaxies 
having homogeneous densities...
The verification will be easy :
For the galaxies having a trajectory
parallel to the axis connecting us to the star Aïn Al Rami , the blue-shifts of the stars BEHIND will be higher than the redshifts of the stars BEFORE the translation.
(the stars behind approaches to us quicker than the others goes away)
Such an empirical report will be the GRAVEDIGGER of the einsteinist, poincareist and machist swindles which sabotage the science since more a century....


The main : the splendid FREEBASIC 2006 
All animated images done with it !!!!
FreeBASIC is a free, 32-bit BASIC compiler for Windows (32-bit), protected-mode DOS, and Linux (x86). It began as an attempt to create a code-compatible, free alternative to Microsoft QuickBASIC, but has quickly grown into a powerful development tool, already including support for libraries such as Allegro, SDL, OpenGL, Gtk, the Windows API and many others with its default installation.

Aside from having a syntax the most compatible possible with MS-QuickBASIC, FreeBASIC introduces several new features such as pointers, unsigned data types, inline-assembly, a pre-processor and many others.

FreeBASIC is a self-hosting compiler (that's it, written in FreeBASIC), and was developed by V1ctor.
FBIde 0.4.6
an open-source IDE for the FreeBASIC compiler
made using c++ with wxWidgets and the scintilla text control

VonGodric - head programmer, project administrator and founder of the project
dumbledore - code exporting and formatting routines
Madedog - internationalization (i18n) modules
THE TOOLS : spreadsheet OPEN OFFICE et solver TI 92 Texas Instrument 
Editing : using Windows Movie Maker version with bug sur ACER !!! : No recording possible !!! 
Music FTGCAE-FAJEAE (gratuity of the immaterial) "Universe Love" 1987-2004 
"Near the evening" 1971 -2004 
"The noise of the tearing" 1993-2005 
sounds: Roland VSC 3.2 
Programming MIDI and compositions : Yanick Toutain with Orchestra Plus 

Thanks to Vincent and Mamadou for the ears and the pertinent questions !

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